Ottawa Chinese Bible Church – what's in a name?
This is where God has placed us – our nation's capital. It is a very diverse city; over the past decades, thousands of new immigrants from all over the world have been making this city home. Our church seeks to welcome these newcomers, while seeking to be a blessing to the neighbouring community.
Our church was planted in 1976 to reach Mandarin speakers for Jesus as they immigrated to Ottawa. As the church matured, the English Congregation was created to minister to their Canadian-born children and their friends, neighbours and colleagues. Today, our two congregations work together as one body to advance our mission to Mandarin-speaking immigrants as well as Canadians from all cultural backgrounds. Whatever your background or nationality, we hope you find a warm welcome among us.
As Christians, we take the Bible as our only infallible and authoritative guide to belief and conduct. Our services are centred around the preaching of the Word, with praise and worship set as a response to God's revelation to us. For more on our beliefs, see here!
Our church is a member of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada. The ethos of the Free Church is well summarized in the statement, "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, charity; in all things, Jesus Christ.” We seek to build a caring Christian community around the things that tie us together as Christians, rather than being defined by what separates us from others.