OCBC General Operating By-Law

The OCBC General Operating By-law is the document relating to the conduct of the affairs of the new, incorporated OCBC and replaced the previous OCBC Constitution and By-law on Dec. 31, 2022.


Teach Us to Pray Booklet

 A booklet created for the "Teach Us to Pray" Sermon Series, Winter 2018. Includes adaptations and excerpts from Martin Luther's "A Simple Way to Pray" and "Shorter Catechism" as well as the Westminster Confession of Faith".



OCBC Catechism

We've written a catechism (a set of questions and answer explaining doctrine) based off of our church's statement of faith. Our children go through this catechism every month during the Junior Fellowship time. Print it out and go through it yourself of with your kids!



No Guilt Bible Reading Plan

Most Bible reading plans tell you what to read each day, and if you are like me, it is not long before you have fallen behind and give up. This reading plan takes a different approach, it is simply a listing of all of the chapters of the Bible. Tick them off as you read them. If you have extra time one day, read ahead! 


Baptism Course Material

We ask that those interested in being baptized go through this material with a one of our baptism mentors. We offer a 5-week baptism course periodically through the year during our discipleship hour (9:30 Sunday Mornings).

Membership Course Material

We ask that those interested in becoming members of OCBC go through this material with a one of our membership mentors. We offer a 5-week membership course periodically through the year during our discipleship hour (9:30 Sunday Mornings).