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1 Cor: Living By Love
Whatever the issue, whether it is me giving up my right to be paid a salary as pastor, you giving up your right to eat meat, her giving up her right to listen to her music loudly before quiet time in the dorm, him giving up his right to drink alcohol because he is working with youth and doesn’t want to send mixed messages, we are free – not compelled, but free – to give up our rights in order to win people to Christ. You see, when you give up one right, there has got to be something that you value more than that right. You give up rights for something greater.
Have you ever wondered why sometimes you meet people who call themselves Christian, or you visit a particular church and people acts so differently or teach differently that other churches you have been a part of?
- Why do some Christians preach against drinking alcohol of any kind, even a glass of wine at dinner, while other Christians actually drink wine during their worship services?
- Why do some Christians look down upon dancing and showy expressions of emotion, while other churches employ dance teams and light shows in their church?